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Language Info-Tech Management
JNK has very valuable practical experiences in managing and applying huge amounts of language information efficiently. We keep on making use of the information generated from various language services to construct corresponding databases via mature software application, and further provide clients with customized solution for info-tech management.

We can offers various value-added services through the following databases and the platforms derived therefrom:

  Terminology database: for storing term entries from technology fields and patent and law industry, to support the construction of JNK’s PatTTerms Searching platform.

  Integrated corpus of translation: for storing a great deal of final translation, to support the construction of JNK’s PatTLib platform which is used for analysis and facilitate new translation sources.

  Linguistic engineering database: for storing Marco data of characters and phrases, to effectively support multi-linguistic DTP process.

  Patent Information database: for storing and managing patent-related information to support the construction and promotion of the patent searching platform.

We are very glad to share all data information with cooperation partners, and makes great efforts to help clients to create more and better linguistic assets.